Organize a Food Locker Food Drive

The Beverly Bootstraps Refrigerated Food Lockers launched in late May 2023, serving the residents of Beverly, Manchester, Essex, Hamilton, and Wenham. These lockers, the first of their kind on the North Shore, were installed to offer our community members an additional option to access fresh and nutritious food. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, and we’re thrilled with the media coverage we’ve received. Click here to watch a news clip about their debut.

You can help by organizing a Food Locker Food Drive (within your neighborhood, company, or group) and delivering your items to Beverly Bootstraps. To get started, contact Deb Ploszay, Development Coordinator, at 978-927-1561 (x113) or for our specific Food Locker needs. We’re excited to hear from you!

For more information on our Automated Refrigerated Food Lockers, visit

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