Give a Gift of Hope this holiday season

It is, according to the song, the most wonderful time of the year, for many. But for some, the holiday season can prove to be a very trying time.

Unfortunately, there are many folks in the Beverly community who, struggling to make ends meet, may not be able to put hot meals on the table or pay their heating bills, let alone put gifts under the tree.

But thanks to Beverly Bootstraps, those instances are becoming fewer and fewer. That’s because, through the generosity of area residents, the organization collects monetary and food donations, and puts them to work for those who are less fortunate.

Every year, we feature just some of the great work, as well as the success stories, that Bootstraps has made possible in our Gifts of Hope series. Listening to some of these folks share their trials and tribulations often tugs at our heartstrings. But knowing they are in extremely good hands with the wonderful, friendly and accommodating staff at Beverly Bootstraps always eases our minds.

The fact of the matter is that there are many more people out there who either have never heard about the non-profit organization or don’t know about the myriad services it provides. Bootstraps offers school-aged students help with homework, aides adults in earning their high school equivalency test (HiSET) certificate, provides free tax preparation and helps clients pay their utility bills. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg … it’s so much more than just a food pantry!

So, please, read and share our Gifts of Hope articles this month. By spreading the word, you may be able to help those in need find their way to Beverly Bootstraps.

And, if you are able, consider donating to Bootstraps. We want to continue sharing these inspiring stories of hope, and that would not be possible without the continued support the community provides to Beverly Bootstraps and its clients.

To send donations, write ‘Gifts of Hope’ in the subject line of your check. Send your contribution to: Beverly Bootstraps Community Services, 35 Park St., Beverly, MA 01915.

You can also donate online at www.beverlybootstraps.org. Volunteers are also always needed for the various programs Bootstraps provides.

For more information about Beverly Bootstraps, visit www.beverlybootstraps.org or call 978-927-1561.

Monday, Feb 17: Beverly Bootstraps, the Food Pantry and Thrift Shop will be closed for the Presidents' Day holiday.