Letter: Grateful for holiday support

To the editor:

You’ve done it again! We at Beverly Bootstraps have seen a remarkable outpouring of support during this past holiday season. Thank you. Your commitment to helping those in need is truly heartwarming, and we couldn’t help our clients through this time without your generosity.

The holidays are difficult for so many who already live on limited means. But everyone wants to be able to celebrate the holidays with those close to them.

With your support, we were able to provide a happy Thanksgiving to 503 local families and a happy holiday to 637 children. We thank you for taking time out of your busy holiday season to think of others and share your holiday joy with someone in need.

From donations of food, holiday gifts, turkeys, books and money, to people’s time, we thank all the businesses, families, individuals, teams, schools, children, churches and other organizations that made this holiday season at Beverly Bootstraps possible.

Sue Gabriel
Executive Director

Heather Johnston
Director of Donor Relations

Beverly Bootstraps


Beverly Bootstraps Thrift Shop's Summer Shine and Save event is this Saturday July, 27. They will close at 3pm on Friday, July 26 to prepare for the sale. Learn more >>