Beverly Bootstraps Thrift Shop to reopen

The Beverly Bootstraps Thrift Shop is in the process of reopening. Donations will once again be accepted beginning on June 11, but with many mandatory safety precautions in place.
The Thrift Shop will reopen for shopping with limited capacity on Wednesday, June 17. To ensure a safe environment for shoppers, safety guidelines, as laid out by state and local authorities, will be implemented.
All shoppers and donors must wear face coverings, and are asked to be respectful of the mandatory guidelines and other people’s space.
Other guidelines include practicing social distancing inside the shop, hand sanitizing, and allowing a limited number of shoppers inside at one time, among other safety precautions. Donations will continue to be accepted during shop hours.
Beverly Bootstraps Thrift Shop will resume accepting donations beginning on Thursday, June 11, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; going forward, new donation hours will be Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., with restrictions.
To ease the donation process, donors are asked to enter the parking lot by traveling southbound on Rantoul Street to make a right hand turn into the parking lot at 198 Rantoul St. With a social-distancing set up, donations will be accepted outside the shop. Face masks will be required for all donors.
Donations will be contactless as much as possible. Bins, tables and tents will be set up outside in the thrift shop parking lot, which will be used only for donations until further notice. No donations will happen inside the building, and no one will be allowed into the building to shop until June 17.
Clothing donations must be brought to the shop in bags, and other items should be brought in bins or boxes
If deemed unacceptable, the donor will retrieve their item(s) and be on their way. It will not be possible to dispose of unacceptable items at the thrift shop; donors will be responsible to dispose of them elsewhere.
All accepted donations will be “quarantined” for 24 hours (clothing) or 72 hours (household items) before being processed and put on the sales floor.
A limited number of curbside pickups for large donations will be available starting Thursday, June 18. To schedule a time, email
For more information about donations and new guidelines for the shop, visit